I've scratched a few items off my list. On Sunday, with the encouragement of a few friends I made cannoli and homemade pizza for the first time.

21. Make cannoli The cannoli, while edible they weren't quite right. It was definitely a learning experience. Gearing up to try again this weekend.
23. Make pizza dough from scratch, and then the pizza of course. The pizza was the second item made from scratch in the same day. Thank T for the use of your awesome Kitchen Aid stand mixer. Maybe I should just call her my sponsor for these two adventures. Anyway...the pizza was just okay. It too could use a little work, and I intend to try again.

During our recent snowpocalypse I decide to knock out another item on the list. I giggled my way through 19. Watch Some Like It Hot. I'm curious if a remake of the movie would be as charming. This was my first Marilyn movie and now I'm anxious to catch up on some of her others.
Three down, 29 to go and some of them seem a little daunting. Anyone interested in sponsoring one? I give "shout outs". Thanks for the encouragement, keep it coming!