Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Springing into action...

I realized recently I haven't posted once this year. Not that I have many readers (if any) but I should probably be blogging for my own benefit. To catch up....this year didn't get off to a very good start. Dealing with some personal struggles and an increasing health issue in the family. Things seem stable for the time being which has allowed me to focus on what I've let go for the past few months...me.

I've uncovered some new music lately which makes me happy in my own little way. I'm newly in love with Kate Earl. If you haven't checked her out yet you should.

I've been experiencing some struggles in more than one area of my life; relationships, finances, work and fitness have all been punching me in the face. Of course not literally. I think I've been ignoring things for too long and now they're all stuck in the forefront of my mind. A friend advised I pick one and focus on it. It's generally too overwhelming to work on more than one. The way I see this phase is almost as punishment. Perhaps I've been pocketing these issues for too long and now I just have to suffer through them for a while. I'm trying to find a more positive approach to tackling these challenges. I have open ears for any words of wisdom.

In the mean time...Spring is here and the nice weather (on occasion) promises new things to come.